Smart fish farm, which is expected to produce about 350 tonnes of fish annually, was officially launched on Monday (Feb 17). The floating farm uses artificial intelligence and video analytics to monitor fish and detect early signs of disease. Source

How to rear happy fish for a happy meal?
Find out from Dirk Eichelberger, CEO and Co-founder of Singapore Aquaculture Technologies (SAT), who partnered with Siemens to digitalize his fish farm in Singapore, at our Digital Enterprise Virtual Summit.
SAT is the very first Aquaculture 4.0 closed containment system for tropical fish in Singapore. It combines Siemens cutting edge technologies and Smart Recirculating Aquaculture System for sustainable tropical sea-farmed fish. This farm integrates a high degree of automation, self-regulated control cycles and artificial intelligence within a Farm Management Information System to achieve a productive and environmentally friendly operation.
To attend our summit, visit our website.